8 Tips to Improve Your Public Speaking Skills

1. Know your audience

 It is crucial to know your audience when delivering as a public speaker. Understanding who is in the room will allow you to tailor your message to their level of understanding, making it more engaging and relatable. This is a crucial public speaking tip for the workplace. Before your lecture, take some time to research the demographic of your audience and their specific interests. During the delivery, stay aware of their reactions – are they nodding in agreement, looking confused, or showing signs of boredom? Being in tune with the group will give you insight into whether your message is resonating with them. Furthermore, strive to connect with the audience on a personal level by using anecdotes, humor, or asking for their input. This will help, calm nerves, establish a rapport, and make your presentation more memorable. Ultimately, doing your homework on your audience and actively engaging with them will lead to a more successful and impactful delivery and reduce any fear of public speaking.

2. Practice, practice, practice

Practice, practice, practice– the age-old advice that rings true for mastering any skill or art. There is no denying that the more we practice something, the better we become at it. Whether it’s playing a musical instrument, preparing for Toastmasters international, or perfecting a dance routine, practice is key. Before presenting in front of an audience, it’s always beneficial to give a trial run and see what tonality sounds most effective. Practicing with someone you trust can also provide valuable feedback and support, helping to build confidence and refine your performance. Asking for feedback from a trusted friend or mentor can provide valuable insights and constructive criticism to help further improve your communication skills. The more effort and time we put into practice, the closer we get to achieving our desired level of mastery. In the end, practice truly does make perfect. Utilizing practice management software features can streamline your training regimen, allowing for better organization and tracking of progress.

3. Structure your presentation

When structuring your presentation, it is important to carefully organize your topics in a logical manner to ensure that your audience can easily follow along. Start by clearly defining the overall objective and main points you want to get across, and then divide your presentation into sections that build upon each other. This will help to ensure that your presentation conveys the intended message effectively. Additionally, it is crucial to determine the most suitable delivery method for your content, whether it be through a traditional slide show, interactive multimedia, or a combination of both. Consider the preferences and needs of your audience to decide on the best approach. Lastly, outline the presentation to provide a clear roadmap for both yourself and your audience. This will help you stay on track and make sure that you communicate the essential points. By carefully considering these elements and structuring your presentation thoughtfully, you can increase the impact and effectiveness of your delivery.

4. Connect with a personal story

When it comes to connecting with an audience, there’s nothing quite like sharing a personal story. I believe it’s important to choose a story that is not only relevant to the audience, but also one that they can relate to on a personal level. By using personal anecdotes, I can make a genuine connection and show that I understand their experiences. I always make sure that the story is well-told and engaging, with a clear and concise structure that keeps the audience’s attention. Humor is also a key element in my storytelling, as it helps to create a light and enjoyable atmosphere. Whether it’s a funny mishap or a heartwarming moment, I like to infuse my stories with humor to bring a smile to the audience’s face. Overall, connecting with a personal story is a powerful way to build rapport and create a memorable experience for everyone involved.

5. Keep a notecard for reference

Keeping a notecard for reference is an essential tool for delivering a successful speech. When creating your notecard, be sure to outline the key points of your speech in a clear and concise manner. Be brief with your outline, focusing on the main ideas and important details. Using cues for tonality or pace can also be helpful, such as underlining words to emphasize, or adding symbols to denote where to pause or change the pace. Additionally, it is crucial that your notes are legible and easy to read, so that you can quickly glance at them and stay on track during your speech. Lastly, practice using your notes to familiarize yourself with the flow and structure of your speech. By keeping a notecard for reference and utilizing it effectively, you can increase your confidence and deliver a more polished and organized speech.

6. Show off a bit of personality

When it comes to showing off a bit of public speaking personality, it’s important to let your unique experiences shine through. Share your stories, your triumphs, and even your failures with a touch of humor and authenticity. Don’t be too serious – let your personality and sense of humor come through in your words and actions. Use accompanying audio or visual elements to evoke emotion and connect with your audience on a deeper level. It’s okay to be vulnerable and show a more personal side of yourself, it can be incredibly relatable and endearing. Ultimately, the most important thing is to be yourself. Embrace your quirks, your passions, and your individuality. Let your personality shine through in everything you do, and you’ll make a lasting impression on those around you.

7. Use visual aids

Visual aids are a crucial part of any presentation or demonstration, as they can help to engage and educate your audience in a more effective way. One way to incorporate visual aids is by using video examples that can illustrate a point or concept that you are trying to convey. Another effective method is to show off a prop that is relevant to your topic, as it can provide a tangible and memorable illustration for your audience. Handing out a reference sheet can also be valuable, as it gives your audience something to refer back to after the presentation is over. Additionally, providing a demonstration can be a powerful way to visually explain a complex process or idea. Lastly, introducing a slideshow with relevant images and information can help to reinforce your message and keep your audience engaged throughout the presentation. Overall, utilizing visual aids in your presentation can greatly enhance the effectiveness of your communication and help your audience to better understand and retain the information being presented.

8. Stay on the move

When giving a presentation or speaking in front of an audience, it’s important to stay on the move. Moving around the stage with your microphone can help attract the audience’s attention and keep them engaged with your message. It also allows you to overcome any nervousness you may be feeling, as movement can be a great way to release tension and anxiety. Additionally, owning the stage by confidently moving around and using the space can help increase your authenticity and credibility as a speaker. By not staying rooted in one spot, you can display confidence and command the attention of the audience, staving away any social anxiety. This can help you establish a stronger connection with your audience and make a lasting impact with your message. So, next time you’re speaking in front of a crowd, remember to stay on the move to make the most of your presentation.


Effective public speaking involves knowing your audience and tailoring your message for maximum engagement, particularly in workplace settings. This includes researching demographics and interests, staying attuned to audience reactions, and establishing a personal connection through anecdotes and humor. Practice is key to proficiency, and structuring presentations logically, incorporating personal stories, using visual aids, keeping a notecard for reference, showcasing personality, and staying mobile on stage are crucial strategies for impactful communication. These methods collectively contribute to a successful and memorable presentation, reducing fear and enhancing confidence in public speaking. Be sure to check out these public speaking examples from some of the best Harvard commencement speeches and Ted Talks for more inspiration.